5 Easy Steps for Boosting Brain Power

After just completing our marathon of licensing exams, the need to keep our brain in tip-top shape became increasingly necessary.  Age, stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition and exhaustive studying are just a few of the factors that can impact how sharp you’re feeling and functioning.  Whether your goal is to prevent age-related cognitive decline or you are in University and need more brain power for upcoming exams, this applies to you!

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Fertility Awareness Method, FAM

Okay, so the two lovely ladies wrote two lovely articles preceding this one about what to expect coming off of the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) and what other alternatives there are for birth control other than OCP and condoms (wow, run on sentences are real). Well, one of the other alternatives mentioned was the fertility awareness method, or FAM, for all of you trendy people and I am here to expand on it.

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Under Armour: The do's and don'ts of deodorant

Hi I’m Heather, and I’m a serial deodorant collector.

I have bought and not used countless sticks, sprays and gels trying to find one that works. It is hard enough to find one at any given drug store to suit your needs, and has an added difficulty when in search for a ‘natural alternative’.  Your skin (including your armpits!) is a major detoxifying organ as well as an accessible way to affect you internally so what you put on is incredibly important.

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Winter Woes: Why You Need Vitamin D

Snowshoeing, skating, snowboarding, and brisk walks; even if you are a winter warrior and spend hours outside in the frosty, sunny air, there is a good chance you're still deficient in...duh, duh, DUH, Vitamin D! 

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