Eating Mindfully: Fight or flight vs. Rest and digest

I see the same patterns in my practice over and over again. High stressed individuals with digestive concerns; people who rush from one thing to another without taking a second to stop, breathe properly, or even eat properly. I admit that I am guilty of this too from time to time, but the difference is astonishing when you CARVE OUT the time to live and eat intentionally.

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Heather Robinson
The Healthy Ageing Brain

The baby boomer generation accounts for 30% of the population in Canada and are now between 54 and 72 years old. With a population this large and degenerative cognitive disorders on the rise, it begs the question: why is this happening and what can we do about it? 

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Heather Robinson
Know Your Cycle: The Follicular Phase

Let’s say, for argument’s sake, half the world’s population is female.
And of those females, about half are within an age bracket which have their period. While there is this huge percentage of the population that have their menstrual cycles, there is so little information given to us about what exactly happens during that monthly cycle; that one week that you’re on your period is not the only hormonal change you go through during the month. Lucky for us (eye roll), our hormones are fluctuating daily, preparing our bodies for the next step.

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Heather Robinson
Foundations of Health: Stress

Stress.  We hear that word thrown around daily, but what does stress really mean? For one person it can be trying to hit a deadline, for another person it can be an environmental trigger such as mold, and for another it can be a family member with failing health.  Stress is different for each person and what matters almost as much as the stressor itself, is the perception of stress in your life.  I’ve reviewed some ways to combat stress both from a physiological standpoint but also through perception. 

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Heather Robinson